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Semi-log graph paper (PDF)

A semi-log graph paper is a type of graphing plane, which is used for plotting data where one of the axes is on a logarithmic scale and the other axis is on a linear scale. The term “semi-log” in a semi-log graph refers to the fact that only one axis is on a logarithmic scale. The hybrid scale allows for the visualization of data that spans several orders of magnitude. See how it works here.

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Note: This printable semi-log plane graph paper has A4 format with gray guidelines. You can see the preview below or download the full page (in PDF) which is printable in high quality with any printer.

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Semi-log graph paper PDF (1 decade)

Note: This printable semi-log plane graph paper has A4 format with gray guidelines. You can see the preview below or download the full page (in PDF) which is printable in high quality with any printer.

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semi log graph paper page a4 printable 2 decades preview download

Semi-log graph paper PDF (2 decades)

Note: This printable semi-log plane graph paper has A4 format with gray guidelines. You can see the preview below or download the full page (in PDF) which is printable in high quality with any printer.

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semi log graph paper page a4 printable 3 decades preview download

Semi-log graph paper PDF (3 decades)

Note: This printable semi-log plane graph paper has A4 format with gray guidelines. You can see the preview below or download the full page (in PDF) which is printable in high quality with any printer.

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semi log graph paper page a4 printable 4 decades preview
semi log graph paper page a4 printable 4 decades preview download

Semi-log graph paper PDF (4 decades)

Note: This printable semi-log plane graph paper has A4 format with gray guidelines. You can see the preview below or download the full page (in PDF) which is printable in high quality with any printer.

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semi log graph paper page a4 printable 5 decades preview
semi log graph paper page a4 printable 5 decades preview download

Semi-log graph paper PDF (5 decades)

Printing notes: Make sure to disable any optimization options in your printing dialog before starting to print. Usually the printer tries to scale down the image to better fit the printable area which will affect the cell size of this graph paper. All you need to do is to choose “actual size” in “page sizing and handling” section to prevent the unwanted outcome.

graph paper download page options

Graphing Paper

I was surprised to learn that plain graph paper template for printing (as a pdf document) is not that easy to find on the internet. Sure, there are at least several websites offering such downloads, but you can be quickly disappointed to find out that a simple A4 PDF file with a few lines drawn over it is behind a paywall.
Which is why I decided to put my graphing paper templates on a single page for people to download. I believe that materials like graph papers are often used in tutoring situations and general education programs which is why the contents on this website will remain free of charge.

print ready pdf files